Fast Forward!
December 16th is all about chocolate because it is Chocolate Covered Anything Day. Did you notice that the internet has created a day for everything about anything? Well it has. December 4th? It’s “Wear Brown Shoes Day!” Awe jeez, don’t forget about that one! Oh and January 8th, is Bubble Bath Day! Is it all too much? We’re not too sure. But, we know it can make someone smile in the middle of a crazy day.
So when you see a little notice on your smartphone, reminding you that it’s Chocolate Covered Anything Day on December 16th, please know that our very own Joe Fino likes to keep it simple. He likes some delicious peanut butter covered in chocolate, or nougat. A Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, or a Milky Way Bar will do.
It’s time to kick off the holiday season. It can be stressful. If you can, try and remember to take it easy. Find things to smile about. Stop to shine your shoes, and maybe take a bubble bath, while enjoying a Milky Way Bar. #thanksdog
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