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Everyday, Another Special Day!

Everyday, Another Special Day!

Have you ever noticed that the internet has created a day for everything about anything? Well it has. December 4th? It’s “Wear Brown Shoes Day!” Awe jeez, don’t forget about that one! Oh and January 8th, is Bubble Bath Day! Is it all too much?

Do You Pumpkin Spice?

Do You Pumpkin Spice?

It’s that time of year again, the weather is getting colder, days are getting shorter and all things Pumpkin Spice are exploding! Literally, Pumpkin Spice is everywhere.

Video Marketing: Why You Need It and How We Can Help

Video Marketing: Why You Need It and How We Can Help

In today’s fast-paced and technologically advanced world, many people prefer to watch a video rather than read materials that describe a product or service. In fact, more than a third of consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service after watching an online video. Taking advantage of this fact is a creative way to enhance the user experience and increase sales for your business.

How To Use Social Media To Increase Sales

How To Use Social Media To Increase Sales

You’ve probably been on social media for many years now, and you’ve experienced its power and importance first-hand. Social media is popular; it encourages two-way communication and is perfect for customer service. It’s also a great marketing vehicle if you know how to use it. Here are ways you can use social media to increase sales.

Learn More About Our Services

We are a marketing communication agency that offers video/podcast production and social media marketing, as well as traditional marketing, live broadcasting, data services, and web design.

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